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Research on Patches not in LibreOffice Master but in Branch

I made a research on patches which were commited to a branch of LibreOffice but didn’t made it upstream. Thus I made a diff of the patch titles in this branch and the LibreOffice core master. I evaluated the branch distro/co-24.04 ( against the current state of the LibreOffice main branch (master). Thus I got … „Research on Patches not in LibreOffice Master but in Branch“ weiterlesen

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Brother MFC-7320 And OpenSUSE Leap 15.4

I used this combined printer, scanner and fax machine with openSUSE for some years now. But it is always a lot of effort to get it working with a fresh Linux environment, e.g. after a hardware change. There are the packages and tools from Brother, which you could download from their website, but trat doesn’t … „Brother MFC-7320 And OpenSUSE Leap 15.4“ weiterlesen

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Solved Vulnerabilities

I worked on the project Free Online Office, a collaborative online office based on LibreOffice technology, to solve vulnerabilities of the used JavaScript packages. I updated all used JavaScript packages to new versions. The command ‘npm audit’ reports no vulnerabilities now. This is a big difference to the starting point, where there was and is … „Solved Vulnerabilities“ weiterlesen

Posted in Free Online Office, Free Software, Freie Software, LibreOffice | Kommentare deaktiviert für Solved Vulnerabilities

Free Online Office Nightly On ProxMox

I created a Linux Container on my ProxMox server using Debian 11 and installed and run Docker inside of it. Then I pulled the current Free Online Office (nightly build) from I started this Docker container with: The IP in the docker command depends on the IP address of the Linux Container on your … „Free Online Office Nightly On ProxMox“ weiterlesen

Posted in Free Online Office, Free Software, Freie Software, LibreOffice | Kommentare deaktiviert für Free Online Office Nightly On ProxMox

Worked Further On LibreOffice Online Code And Docker Image

The Javascript packages in the former git repository of LibreOffice Online and ist fork were not up to date. Thus I hat to work on update them. This and the code update took a bunch of my spare time. I had also to work on the configuration of the shrinkwrap/shrinkpack tooling. The former configuration and … „Worked Further On LibreOffice Online Code And Docker Image“ weiterlesen

Posted in Free Software, Freie Software, LibreOffice, Open Source | Kommentare deaktiviert für Worked Further On LibreOffice Online Code And Docker Image