Worked On User Database Of The LibreOffice Extensions Website

I had a longer list of potential user that tried to create an account on the LibreOffice extensions and templates website but submitted no valid email address. I had to delete this accounts – currently manually -, because they blow up the database of the site without any value to the project (and potential user, because there is no way to activate them).

Update Of The LibreOffice Extensions Site To Plone 5.0.8

I worked during the last days on the Plone buildout of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. I updated it – with some support of our service provider for fixing some nasty trace backs / error messages –  to version 5.0.8.  I rolled the new Plone minor version and some updates of our Plone addons out today. The site is running on Plone 5.0.8 yet. The run of the update took only a few minutes. Thus the site was only down for about five minutes or less.

Presentation About Non-Code Extension At The Open Rhein Ruhr

I gave a presentation about the creation of LibreOffice non-code extensions at the Open Rhein Ruhr in Oberhausen, a local open source event in Germany. The LibreOffice project attended the event with a booth too.

I added a first template for a non-code LibreOffice extension on Github. I’ll add some more during the next weeks. You’ll find them in a subfolder of my repository for the extensionbook: