The slides from a free software conference states that a foundation spents more than half of its donation income to employ or contract staff. This covers a sum of around 430,000 Euro (56 percent of the project donations income). And only seven percent of the projects income by way of donation were spent for community and events.
There were no visible discussion and decision made about precise targets to reach. The foundation and its board didn’t publish such targets. There were no information for the community and the members of the foundation about the impact that should be reached. The community and the members never got an information, how the foundation board will measure, if the targets and the impact had been reached. And if the designated targets and impacts have not been reached, there will Not bei an evaluation of the reasons for that, thus the whole process could be improved. And thus there is and will not be any improvement in this whole process.
The further spending of donation money this way without a real and public (the community and the foundation states itself transparent) target setting and review process is wasting money from donors.
If a charity and its board are not able to set up such a target and review process after years, donors should rethink further donations.