Working In A Calm Environment

It’s interesting how much spare you gain once you withdraw from a busy message environment. This helps to invest more time into more healthy acitivities (like outdoor runners training). It makes it also possible for me to concentrate more on improving my skills on Plone and Python and work on the migration of Plone addons to the next Plone main release, 5.2, running on Python 3.

And it is also interesting to notice the difference between the official speach of people about the volunteer work you have done and the real rating of that work. That helps to reclassify things and justify my direction.

Worked On Migration Of A Plone Addon to Plone 5.2 With Python 3

I started with my work to migrate a first Plone addon to Plone 5.2 on Python 3. I did this work on the addon cioppino.twothumbs. I first applied ’sixer‘ on it and than run ‚python-modernizer‘ as described on this page. But I got some errors with the imports afterwards, once I started the Plone instance with ‚fg‘. This imports were implicite relative. I changed them to explicite relative or absolute. The addon is running yet in the Plone instance. But there is a remaining issue with the css-file of the addon. I pushed my changes to the new git branch ‚python3‘:

Working Further With Plone and Python 3

I created a further buildout for Plone from the Plone coredev Github repository and checked out the 5.2 branch. The buildout went fine and I could create a new Plone site.

I tried out to create a new add-on with bobtemplates and it worked with my new Plone site (on Python 3.6). I was able to install the add-on without errors. I’ll try out some further add-ons with this buildout using my own extension of the core buildout script. I’m curious, if this add-ons will work with my buildout. If they will not run on Python 3 I’ll try to upgrade them.

Blaue Plakette statt Vollerfassung

Es ist tragisch, dass statt der Einführung einer einfachen blauen Plakette für Diesel-Fahrzeuge, die in Bereiche mit Fahrverboten für Diesel mit zu hohen Stickoxidwerten einfahren dürfen, nun eine komplette Videoüberwachung aller in den Bereich einfahrenden Fahrzeuge eingeführt werden soll. Mal abgesehen von dem technischen Aufwand (eventuell nur für einen begrenzten Zeitraum) für diese Erfassung widerspricht sie dem Gesichtspunkt der Datensparsamkeit, der dem Datenschutz und auch der DGSVO zugrunde liegt. Es sollte immer die insoweit für die informationelle Selbstbestimmung des Bürgers am wenigsten beeinträchtigende Alternative gewählt werden, also eine einfache blaue Plakette. Die grüne Plakette hat und tut ihren Dienst schließlich auch.

A1 – What’s That?

The social security systems inside the European Union are not unique system. The European Union respectively the countries that signed the contract of the union decided not to build one system for the whole union but to coordinate the different social security systems of the member states to ensure one of the essential cornerstones of the union the free movement of persons (workers) inside the union.

The basic principle of social security is that a worker is insured in the country where she/he is doing the work. E.g., if a German is working in Belgium she/he is insured in the Belgium social security system. This rule would also apply if she/he has a German employer and the latter sends him to work in Belgium. Because the employer in Germany has to insure the worker also in Germany the worker has a double insurance (in Germany and Belgium).

And there comes the A1 form into the game. This form is the tool to coordinate the social security systems and help to avoid such doubled insurance. If – like in the above example – a German employer sends his employee to Belgium he had to apply the A1 form ( before the employee went to Belgium. The employee has to carry at least the A1 application with him, once he left Germany and enter Belgium (regularly he should own the A1 form in this situation).

The application for an A1 is a duty of the employer. He has to submit this application to the competent social security institution of his place of business, in the example the one in Germany.

If the authorities of the other state (in the example the Belgium authorities) came across the German employee without an A1 form (or at least the evidence of the application for an A1) they will hand out a punishment to the employer.  This fine could be very expensive and is regularly not refundable.

It is current opinion among employers that an A1 form is only needed for longer foreign work periods, but that is not a correct interpretation of the European regulations. The employee needs an A1 form for every work, he was send to another country of the European Union (or a country where the regulation of the European Union are effective, e.g. Swiss or Norway). Thus the employee needs such a form too, if she/he makes a business trip only for a very short time into the other country, e.g. only for an hour or hours ( ,, e.g. visits an event, a conference for an hour or hours on behalf of his employer (regularly within his working hours, work contract).

The need of an A1 form is not narrowed to employees (and employers), it applies to self-employed people too, if they cross the border to do their work in another country of the European Union (or the countries where the coordination rules of the European union are effective).

First Evening Of Health Training

I attended my first after work health training today. The training took place within a group of eleven people. It picked the common health issues of office workers and will help to improve them. Nice evening within the group.

Afterwards driving home and pack the bag for a three days skill enhancement about current European topics.

Start With A New WordPress Theme From Scratch

I began with the work on a new WordPress theme for my homepage from scratch today. I use the bootstrap-mini styles as basis for my new theme and will add my own styles within a seperate styles.css file. The next steps are the creation of a header and footer template as well as a template for the sidebar. I’ll work on this during the next week in my spare time.

Worked Again On A WordPress Site

I worked on the further customization of a wordpress site that I created for an volunteer organisation some month ago. I got the request for an area for links to other websites. I found a plugin which in my opinion satisfy the needs of the organisation. It’s the WordPress plugin ‚Friends Link‘. It had enough slots for websites to link to and made it easy to customize the links. The plugin is free software published under the GPL  version 2.

Used Dry Morning For Another Training

I sized the chance to pass another training run without rainy conditions. I repeated the same lap as some days ago and my time per kilometer and also my pulse were better than before. It seemed my shape is improving although I attended a Nordic walking training yesterday.