New Release Of Plone Add-On For LibreOffice Extensions Site

I worked on the user documentation and some smaller fixes of the Plone add-on which drives the LibreOffice extensions website. This add-on is named ‚tdf.extensionuploadcenter‘ and its source code is hosted on Github (

I finished the user documentation and the smaller fixes two days ago and published a new release of the Plone add-on yesterday. It has the release number 0.45 and you could get it from the ‚Cheeseshop‘ ( at:

The new release adapt the structure of the add-on to the current structure provided by the Plone add-on ‚bobtemplates‘. This is a first step on the way to adapt the release also to Python 3.

The release includes the initial version of the user documentation with information not only about installation, creating and publishing of content objects but also about its messaging features.

Further Work On Plone Add-on For LibreOffice Extensions Site

I worked a bit further on the Plone add-on for the LibreOffice extension website. I made some changes on the edit form for the Extension Center module thus it will be more clearly arranged. In addition I worked on the user documentation for the Plone add-on. This is currently work in progress and will take a bit of time to finish. Once it will be complete I’ll publish a new release of the add-on ‚tdf.extensionuploadcenter‚.

Published First Final Release Of Collective.Templates

I worked on some fixes for the Plone add-on collective.templates during the last days. I finished my work yesterday and published the add-on today on PyPi:

The final release contains a documentation in HTML and PDF file format. It fixes some minor issues and the source code builds on Travis-CI without any errors yet:

Finished Documentation For Collective.Templates

I worked on the documentation for the Plone add-on collective.templates during the last days. I finished this documentation during the weekend and published the documentation in HTM file format and in PDF file format today. The documentation files are available on Github. You could check them out from the projects repository there:
The documentation lives in the docs subfolder:

Working On The Documentation For Collective.Templates

I’m currently working on the user documentation for the Plone add-on collective.templates. The documentation will describe not only the installation but also the creation of a template center and template projects. It will give information about messages which will be send on events to the Plone site administrator / reviewer as well as owner of templates projects.

Collective.Addons Release 1.0 Published

I worked on the documentation of the Plone add-on ‚collective.addons‚ in my spare time during the last two weeks. I finished this user documentation some days ago and compiled a version in HTML file format and in the pdf file format. I also worked on the Python modules of the Plone add-on and got its build on Travis-CI ‚green‘, thus it builds without issues and didn’t throw any flake8 errors anymore.

I published the first stable release of collective.addons on the ‚Cheeseshop‘ ( today: The add-on provides an ‚Add-on Center‘, where contributors could create add-on or extension projects and publish their releases (especially Free Software releases). The Add-on Center make it possible to adapt it to nearly any software project. For detailed information have a look into the user documentation on Github:

Collective.Addons Documentation – First Version Published

I worked on the user documentation for the Plone add-on ‚collective.addons during during the last days. I published the first version of this user documentation in website style yesterday. Today I added this documentation in the PDF file format. You’ll find this documentation in the ‚docs‘ directory of the Plone add-on on Github:

Spent A Lot Of Donation Money Without Review Of The Impact

The slides from a free software conference states that a foundation spents more than half of its donation income to employ or contract staff. This covers a sum of around 430,000 Euro (56 percent of the project donations income). And only seven percent of the projects income by way of donation were spent for community and events.

There were no visible discussion and decision made about precise targets to reach. The foundation and its board didn’t publish such targets. There were no information for the community and the members of the foundation about the impact that should be reached. The community and the members never got an information, how the foundation board will measure, if the targets and the impact had been reached. And if the designated targets and impacts have not been reached, there will Not bei an evaluation of the reasons for that, thus the whole process could be improved. And thus there is and will not be any improvement in this whole process.

The further spending of donation money this way without a real and public (the community and the foundation states itself transparent) target setting and review process is wasting money from donors.

If a charity and its board are not able to set up such a target and review process after years, donors should rethink further donations.