
Small Wireless Accesspoint Server

I added a new wireless network card to a small pc and updated it to the current OpenSuSE Leap 42.3 Linux. I want to use this box for showing people some free software at work. They should also be able to connect their devices via wireless net to the small pc and get their hands dirty by trying out the free software and e.g. edit some files or sites.

Because the wireless network card didn’t support the master mode I need a program that fix this problem. I found the program hostap, that I could install easily. I made some changes to the hostapd.conf file, e.g. set a proper name for the SSID and activated encryption with WPA2.

I had also to configure a DHCP-server and a DNS-server (and to install the appropriate packages for this services). I also made the ssh service available through the firewall. Thus I could reach the small pc via ssh login now. Finished for today.

Worked On A Documentation About Foundation Management

I worked through a lot of documents and judgments during the last weeks and wrote on a first chapter of an documentation about the management of a foundation. It took me a lot of my spare time but it was worth that investment. I hope that I could finish the last bits of that first chapter during the next week. I wrote the text using LaTex, an always interesting high-quality typesetting system, that is available as free software.

Further Work With Theming

I worked a bit further on the WordPress theme for a local organisation and got some nice pictures for the header of the site. I cropped them a bit with Gimp and combined them together with the logo in a new banner. We have some great places in Duisburg, like the ‚Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord‘ (an former ironwork with a great light show) (, Tiger and Turtle (a Magic Moutan / a walkable sculpture on top of a hill) ( and the ‚Innenhafen‘ (a former part of the inner harbor) (

It’s always easy and fun to work with free software tools on nice pictures 😉

Anleitung zum Erstellen von LibreOffice Extensions

Meine Freizeit in den letzten Wochen habe ich häufig dazu genutzt, eine Anleitung für das Erstellen von LibreOffice Extensions (Erweiterungen) zu schreiben. Eine erste Version dieser Anleitung, die zunächst die grundsätzliche Struktur und den Bau von Extensions behandelt, die weitere Inhalte LibreOffice hinzufügen, beispielsweise weitere Vorlagen oder AutoTexte (Textbausteine). Die Anleitung wird in den nächsten Wochen um weitere Abschnitte ergänzt werden. Sie können die erste Version von meiner Homepage hier  herunterladen. Die Anleitung steht unter der Creative Commons Lizenz 4.0 ohne kommerzielle Nutzung.

LibreOffice Extensions and Templates Site: New Plone Add-On Releases

The LibreOffice extensions and templates site runs on the Content Management System Plone 5 with some add-ons. I added together with our service provider some fixes and improvements to this add-ons during the last weeks. I made new releases of this Plone add-ons and uploaded them to the Python Cheeseshop: