Here are first screeshots from the Extension Center, which I adapted to Python 3 and Plone 6.0-a1.
Kategorie: Plone
Created Buildout For TDF.Extensionuploadcenter On Plone 6.0 a1
I created a new buildout from the branch 6.0 of the Plone buildout.coredev ( today. The buildout itself worked out of the box and I could create a new Plone site from it. I ran the Plone 6.0 a1 using Python 3.6.
I added some further packages to this buildout to check if the Plone add-on tdf.extensionuploadcenter would be compatible with the upcomming Plone 6.0 (and Python 3). I had to do this step by step. I run tests against every Plone add-on which I added to the buildout. There were no issues with the command ‚./bin/test -m <name of the add-on>‘. Once I incorporated all Plone add-ons I could fire up Plone with ‚./bin/instance fg‘. I created a new Plone site and installed the Plone add-ons ‚tdf.extensionuploadcenter‚ and ‚cioppino.twothumbs‘. I could create a new ‚Extension Center‘ and add a first ‚Extension Project‘ to it without issues. Seemed there are no issues to catapult the LibreOffice Extensions Center (Site) into the Python 3 and Plone 6 world.
First Small Patch To The Plone CMS
I did a small patch to the Plone CMS content open source software yesterday: Although it was only a small patch to the Plone 6.0 branch I signed the Plone Contributors Assignment today. Once the assignment is accepted by the Plone foundation my patch could be merged into the Plone core. I’m curious about it.
Next Release Of Plone Add-on For LibreOffice Extensions Site
I fixed some smaller issues in the user documentation of the Plone add-on for the LibreOffice extensions website and updated the localization files of the add-on. I published this fixes and updates within a new release of the Plone add-on tdf.extensionuploadcenter on the Cheeseshop ( yesterday. It is release 0.46. You can get this release at:
The source code is available on my Github repository:
New Release Of Plone Add-On For LibreOffice Templates Site
I worked on the Plone add-on that drives the LibreOffice templates website during the last days. I fixed some smaller bugs, but more important I added the first version of the user documentation. This documentation describes in detail all modules / objects of the add-on and give some information about the messaging feature of the add-on.
I created a new release of this Plone add-on ‚tdf.templateuploadcenter‘ and published it on the Cheeshop ( today. This release got the number 0.36 and is available at:
The source code of the add-on is available on my Github repository:
Work On User Documentation For TDF.Templateuploadcenter
I’m currently working on the user documentation of the Plone add-on for the LibreOffice templates website. I finished some parts of this user documentation already. I’ll work on the last bits during the next days and publish the HTML and PDF version during the next weekend.
New Release Of Plone Add-On For LibreOffice Extensions Site
I worked on the user documentation and some smaller fixes of the Plone add-on which drives the LibreOffice extensions website. This add-on is named ‚tdf.extensionuploadcenter‘ and its source code is hosted on Github (
I finished the user documentation and the smaller fixes two days ago and published a new release of the Plone add-on yesterday. It has the release number 0.45 and you could get it from the ‚Cheeseshop‘ ( at:
The new release adapt the structure of the add-on to the current structure provided by the Plone add-on ‚bobtemplates‘. This is a first step on the way to adapt the release also to Python 3.
The release includes the initial version of the user documentation with information not only about installation, creating and publishing of content objects but also about its messaging features.
Further Work On Plone Add-on For LibreOffice Extensions Site
I worked a bit further on the Plone add-on for the LibreOffice extension website. I made some changes on the edit form for the Extension Center module thus it will be more clearly arranged. In addition I worked on the user documentation for the Plone add-on. This is currently work in progress and will take a bit of time to finish. Once it will be complete I’ll publish a new release of the add-on ‚tdf.extensionuploadcenter‚.
Published First Final Release Of Collective.Templates
I worked on some fixes for the Plone add-on collective.templates during the last days. I finished my work yesterday and published the add-on today on PyPi:
The final release contains a documentation in HTML and PDF file format. It fixes some minor issues and the source code builds on Travis-CI without any errors yet:
Finished Documentation For Collective.Templates
I worked on the documentation for the Plone add-on collective.templates during the last days. I finished this documentation during the weekend and published the documentation in HTM file format and in PDF file format today. The documentation files are available on Github. You could check them out from the projects repository there:
The documentation lives in the docs subfolder: