Editing GPS-Tracks

If I track my trainings with my GPS clock, I get sometimes a too long track, e.g. because I forget to stop the recording or the clock concatenate two training sessions. Thus I need to edit the tracks that I get from the clock.

There is a free software program available to do this work: GpsPrune. But this program is not able to import and work with the file format ‚*.tcx‘. It needs tracks in the file format ‚*.gpx‘.

But there exists a solution for this issue, the free software program ‚gpsbabel‘. Because I already got the track file from the clock, I need to convert the tcx-track with the option -i gtrnctr (= ‚Garmin Training Center (.tcx)‘):
gpsbabel – i gtrnctr -f inputfile.tcx -o gpx -F outputfile.gpx