Plone 5.2 From Coredev And PrintingMailHost

I usually don’t configure a mailhost for my local development environment. Thus I use the Products.PrintingMailHost to stop Plone from sending out emails and print into the shell instead.

I read about the porting work of this product/tool to Python 3 on: and wanted to try this version out. I added the product to my buildout script ‘local.cfg’ but without success. Buildout fetched the product and I could change its branch to ‘python3’ but it had didn’t work. Its patch wasn’t applied to the Plone mailhost.

I solved this issue by adding ‘ENABLE_PRINTING_MAILHOST   True’ to the ‘environment-vars =’ entry of the ‘[instance]’ of ‘core.cfg’.

It looks as follows yet:

environment-vars =
        zope_i18n_compile_mo_files true

The printing mailhost is working as expected yet.