Worked Further On Project Edit View Of collective.templates

I created already a new Plone add-on for the upload and management of office template files during the last weeks. I made some further changes to the source code of the add-on during the last days and published new releases of the software.

I reworked the edit view for template projects today. I gave it another structure with register for the different content parts. The dialog is much clearer yet and that will help a contributor to finish the dialog much faster and submit his new project (or edit one of his / her projects).

Here are some screenshots of the dialog and its register:

First register of the template project edit view
Register legal
Register category / categories
The register for the upload of the template file

There is another register for the optional upload of template files for different platforms. It looks similar to the above one. There is also a register to upload a screenshot of the template. This screenshot will be shown to the user in the template project view.

The source code of this Plone add-on (collective.templates) is available in the Github repository of the Plone community:

You could download the latest releases from the ‘Cheeseshop’: