Working In A Calm Environment

It’s interesting how much spare you gain once you withdraw from a busy message environment. This helps to invest more time into more healthy acitivities (like outdoor runners training). It makes it also possible for me to concentrate more on improving my skills on Plone and Python and work on the migration of Plone addons to the next Plone main release, 5.2, running on Python 3.

And it is also interesting to notice the difference between the official speach of people about the volunteer work you have done and the real rating of that work. That helps to reclassify things and justify my direction.

Blaue Plakette statt Vollerfassung

Es ist tragisch, dass statt der Einführung einer einfachen blauen Plakette für Diesel-Fahrzeuge, die in Bereiche mit Fahrverboten für Diesel mit zu hohen Stickoxidwerten einfahren dürfen, nun eine komplette Videoüberwachung aller in den Bereich einfahrenden Fahrzeuge eingeführt werden soll. Mal abgesehen von dem technischen Aufwand (eventuell nur für einen begrenzten Zeitraum) für diese Erfassung widerspricht sie dem Gesichtspunkt der Datensparsamkeit, der dem Datenschutz und auch der DGSVO zugrunde liegt. Es sollte immer die insoweit für die informationelle Selbstbestimmung des Bürgers am wenigsten beeinträchtigende Alternative gewählt werden, also eine einfache blaue Plakette. Die grüne Plakette hat und tut ihren Dienst schließlich auch.

A1 – What’s That?

The social security systems inside the European Union are not unique system. The European Union respectively the countries that signed the contract of the union decided not to build one system for the whole union but to coordinate the different social security systems of the member states to ensure one of the essential cornerstones of the union the free movement of persons (workers) inside the union.

The basic principle of social security is that a worker is insured in the country where she/he is doing the work. E.g., if a German is working in Belgium she/he is insured in the Belgium social security system. This rule would also apply if she/he has a German employer and the latter sends him to work in Belgium. Because the employer in Germany has to insure the worker also in Germany the worker has a double insurance (in Germany and Belgium).

And there comes the A1 form into the game. This form is the tool to coordinate the social security systems and help to avoid such doubled insurance. If – like in the above example – a German employer sends his employee to Belgium he had to apply the A1 form ( before the employee went to Belgium. The employee has to carry at least the A1 application with him, once he left Germany and enter Belgium (regularly he should own the A1 form in this situation).

The application for an A1 is a duty of the employer. He has to submit this application to the competent social security institution of his place of business, in the example the one in Germany.

If the authorities of the other state (in the example the Belgium authorities) came across the German employee without an A1 form (or at least the evidence of the application for an A1) they will hand out a punishment to the employer.  This fine could be very expensive and is regularly not refundable.

It is current opinion among employers that an A1 form is only needed for longer foreign work periods, but that is not a correct interpretation of the European regulations. The employee needs an A1 form for every work, he was send to another country of the European Union (or a country where the regulation of the European Union are effective, e.g. Swiss or Norway). Thus the employee needs such a form too, if she/he makes a business trip only for a very short time into the other country, e.g. only for an hour or hours ( ,, e.g. visits an event, a conference for an hour or hours on behalf of his employer (regularly within his working hours, work contract).

The need of an A1 form is not narrowed to employees (and employers), it applies to self-employed people too, if they cross the border to do their work in another country of the European Union (or the countries where the coordination rules of the European union are effective).

Stop TDF Volunteer Work ==> More Time For Health/Fitness

Since I stopped my volunteer work for The Document Foundation because of the communications style and behavior from leading members of the project I had more time to improve my health and fitness. I use my spare time for frequent traings sessions, especially for a run in the woods or in the fields and cycling. Great experience because of this warm autumn 😉

Plone Theming – So Difficult ;-)

The Plone CMS/DMS came with a theming editor, where you could create a new theme and edit themes. You could copy an already on the site available theme or create a theme from scratch. It’s your choice. I used the theme part in the administration interface to copy the Plone default theme ‚Barceloneta‘ and save it under a new name.

Plone – New Theme Created From Default Theme

I could edit this new theme with the Plone theme editor (button ‚Modify Theme‘.

The Plone Theme Editor

The theme is based on the Diazo theme engine (

Gave Plone 5.2 On Python 3 Another Try

I updated my local copy of the Github repository for Plone buildout.coredev and gave the branch for the Python 3 migration another try. I run the script and all packages were updated. Then I started Plone with ‚./bin/wsgi fg‘ and created a new Plone site.

I activated the multilingual add-on to make the new Plone site available in different languages. This added a special dialog to the administration page. I opened this dialog and added a second language to the site (in my case German). Plone created different folders for each of the two languages. I gave first the English folder a try and added a first page to it. Because I don’t want to use my time for typing I copied content from the website of The Document Foundation website.

Plone 5.2 on Python 3 – First Page

I published this page and choose it as the default page of the English section. Then I tried out the translation framework of Plone. I made a test with a translation of the page into German.

Plone 5.2 on Python 3 – Using Translation Feature

The dialog shows me the different fields of the English page and I could easily start to write a translation into German. If I had already local or somewhere else a translation of the English text, I could do copy and paste.

Once finished with the translation I saved it and published the page. I set it as the default of the German section. Users with German laguage setting or preference will get this translated page as their entry point now.

Fake News About Expense?

I read in an email on the LibreOffice design list that has been resources allocated to the extensions and templates website for about 25 thousand Euro (from a long time member of the board of The Document Foundation: This generates the impression that there has been spent this amount of money to improve the site. But if you look into the accounting legers of The Document Foundation (TDF) ( you will get the real data. TDF spent in 2017 6399,44 Euro and in 2018 642,60 Euro; all in all 7042,04 Euro, which seemed only a bit less than 25 thousand Euro 😉

This TDF resources were used espially to migrate the content of the first LibreOffice extensions and template websites into the new one, for smaller fixes within the code, a professional buildout and maintenance environment and a training of two TDF staff member on the platform and its maintenance (myself wasn’t part of the training session).

The biggest part of the development of the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website was done  during my spare time. I tried to save as much as possible expenses for TDF, because I thought it would help to lower the adminstration expenses of TDF and free more money for the promotion of education and science.

Really Shocked!

I’m doing volunteers work in different roles and areas of the project for about sixteen years yet. I spent a lot and for some longer periods nearly my whole spare time on the project. I suffered from a public accusation  of a destructive communication style. This harmed me very intense. I though this could be a singular ‚event‘. But I was tought today that this seemed to be the new behavior of members of the leading body.

I created and maintained the LibreOffice extensions and template website for more than seven years yet. I read today on a public maiing list that the work I had done during my spare time for this period was not even werth to talk to me (even by email). Instead I felt my work devaluated in public. I felt like being in the pillory. I though the methods of the Middle Ages were not such popular anymore. But I had to confess that I was at fault.

This is behavior and communication style is not appropriate for a project, where I want to spent my spare time and do volunteer work. Because the behavior is not a single ‚event‘ I stop my work for and within the LibreOffice project as from now.

I’m open for intensive and also critical discussions but not for a behavior and communication style that I wouldn’t accept in the office during my paid work.

Communication Is Always An Interesting Topic

You could always learn a lot about the body of an organization, if you start a communication about transparency and in this context the publishing of numbers. I asked for such numbers about the current financial situation of the organization and got the answer that they will not be published monthly but only quarterly, because the publication process is very time consuming for the staff. I had again a look onto the wiki site today, where this data were published and ‚trara‘ the latest monthly data for July 2017 were published one day after the email conversation. And if I remember correctly the third quarter of a year doesn’t end with the month July. But maybe that’s my fault 😉