If the website ODFAuthors should be improved for the future use the first step would be the change of the localization framework from the old LinguaPlone to the current
plone.app.multilingual and migrate and reindex all content objects. It’s not possible to update the site to the latest Plone without that step.
I already created a Plone buildout for an upgraded ODFAuthors website that is based on version 5.1.x. This buildout is available from the Github repository of The Document Foundation: https://github.com/tdf/odfauthors.org
Kategorie: LibreOffice
Extension Website With Updated Plone Add-Ons
I finished my work on the update of the two Plone add-ons which I used for the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. I published a new release for each of them. Today I updated the website with the new features of this add-ons. I run a buildout script for this. The site was only a few minutes offline and is available already again.
It is possible to remove items from the list of available licenses without side effects for already published releases with the outdated (etc.) licenses now.
Working On A New Feature For LibreOffice Extensions-Templates Website
The LibreOffice extensions and templates website runs on the Content Management System (CMS) Plone and uses some plug-ins that I created. I’m currently working on a new feature for this plug-ins, which make possible to remove licenses from the selectable list without any issues for former releases with such licenses.
Continious Integration For New Plone Environment Passed
I worked on an update of my new Plone environment to the current version 5.1.x today. I had to add and edit some files to my git repository. I got a successful local build first. I added a travis.yml file to the repository and enabled the building process on Travis. It needed some further edits but in the end it builds on Travis too and the new development buildout for an updated odfauthors site showed a green button.
Creating A New Plone Development Environment
I worked on the first bits for a new Plone development environment. I’ll use this to create a new website for the ODFAuthors team. The new site should run on Plone 5.1 or later. Maybe it is possible to upgrade the site to a Plone version that runs on Python 3.
I read already on a blog of a Plone developer that Core-Plone is already ported to Python 3, but that there are a big bunch of tests that are not yet ported and need some love (and work time).
Python 2 Support Stopps In About 1 And A Half Year
The Plone developers work hard to port the CMS to Python 3 before the support for Python 2 ends. This will be in about 1 and a half year from now. LibreOffice made this step a longer time ago and comes currently with Python 3.5.4. Thus the LibreOffice Python programming environment and connection will get updates and security fixes after the end of 2019 too.
If you use another office suite with Python support you should take a closer look into the supported / delivered version. If it is not Python 3 yet have an eye on alternatives in time.
LibreOffice Extensions Site – Improving Python String Formating
I reviewed the Python code for the LibreOffice extensions and templates website and started with improving the string formating handling. I changed it in a first Python module to the current method (available also in Python 3). I’ll work on further Python module during the next days.
Worked Through Some Bouncing Extension-Site Email
I worked through more than 120 bouncing emails from the LibreOffice extensions and templates website yesterday. There were a lot of them with no valid email account. I had to search for this accounts inside the website and delete the accounts using the Plone admin interface of the site. I spent about two hours of my spare time on this task in the evening.
Stopped My Work For LibO DE-Community
I worked with the German speaking community of LibreOffice (and OOo) for more than fifteen years. I stopped this involvement for some reasons some weeks ago. I don’t know, if the reasons for my decision will disappear next time.
I currently continue my work with the LibreOffice extensions and templates website, a volunteer project that I founded in 2011 and whose environment I developed together with a service provider to a new status (2.0). The LibreOffice extensions and templates website uses the Content Management System Plone with additional plug-ins, all developed and published under free software licenses.
LibreOffice Extensions Site ‚Housekeeping‘
I worked a bit inside the virtual machine which runs the LibreOffice extensions and templates website today and reordered the files and moved some of them inside new subfolders. The directory with the Plone instance is much cleaner again.
I had also a look on the content of the site and reviewed some template projects. I had to remove two of them because they didn’t fit the terms of use.