Site-Feed For The New LibreOffice Extensions And Templates Site

I added a site-feed to the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website today. You could get the list of new extensions and templates published on the site via rss-feed. The url for the feeds in the format Atom is e.g.:

The site also provides links for feeds in the format RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and iTunes.

New Extensions And Templates Website On The Way

I worked with a Plone service provider on the setup of a new LibreOffice extensions and templates website and the migration of the content from the current site to the new site. We are currently short before we will move over to the new website. The new site will contain extensions and templates. We will not have to Plone sites for this purpose. Thus LibreOffice extension or/and template contributors will need only one account in the future. We migrated the user account from the current sites to the new one too. Thus all contributors will be able to login with their current credentials to the new website.


Above the home page of the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website.

liboextensiontemplatesextensionscenterAnd above the extension part of the new website.

More news on the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website will follow here during the next days.

Plone Script Fun

The Plone content management system could run Python scripts from the command line. I worked already with such scripts in the past. I decided to work on a new script that reads the current users of the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website with some additional information (e.g. email-address, roles) and put this information into a csv-file.

Then I want a list of all user names line by line in a text file. The same I want for the contributors to the new website. This will help to regularly clean up the amount of accounts in the new website and delete not used accounts (the diff of both lists).

New Release For The New LibreOffice Templates Site

I worked on some more bits of the Plone 5 add-on for the new LibreOffice templates website. There were especially some localisation tags missing etc. I updated them and the corresponding localisation template file. The new release ships also with a first localisation into German. The source code is available at the repository of The Document Foundation at github (

The new release is available at the ‚Cheeseshop‘:

New Release For Extensionuploadcenter And Update Of Testwebsite

I worked on the localisation of the Plone add-on tdf.extensionuploadcenter and added the last bits. I published a new version with this changes and a first localisation into German today.

The testwebsite for the new LibreOffice extensions templates repository uses this new release and also the latest release of tdf.templateuploadcenter. Thus it reflects the current development status.

Localisation Of The TDF-Extensionuploadcenter

The new LibreOffice extensions website will be driven by a new Plone add-on (tdf.extensionuploadcenter). I released a new version of this add-on some days ago. I’m working on the localisation of this add-on yet. I already created a translation template file (*.pot) and compiled a localisation file from it. I used the latter for a translation of the strings to German (as proof of concept).

FrOSCon-Update For The TDF.templateuploadcenter

During the FrOSCon I worked on an update for the Plone add-on that will drive the New LibreOffice templates website. This update contains some aditional validations. I released it weithin the ‚Cheeseshop‘ today. The new version will be available on the testsite for the new LibreOffice extensions and templates repository within the next run of buildout.

Epub erstellen mit LibreOffice

LibreOffice kann über Extensions mit weiteren Funktionen versehen werden. Die Extensions werden von freien Entwicklern beigesteuert, können über die LibreOffice-Extensions-Webseite heruntergeladen und in LibreOffice installiert werden. So findet sich dort auch eine Extension, mit der sich eine Writer-Textdatei in das Dateiformat epub exportieren lässt. So lassen sich auch elektronische Bücher (eBooks) aus LibreOffice heraus erstellen: