I finished my migration of a first Plone addon some a week ago sucessfully and started with migration of a further addon, collective.dexteritytextindexer to Python 3 compatibility. I was able to migrate the source code of the addon itself, but run into issues with the behaviors test script. The tests ran successful on Plone 4.3 to 5.2 and Python 2.7, but failed on Plone 5.2 on Python 3.
Kategorie: LibreOffice
First Quarter Without Work For TDF
I did pour volunteer work for LibreOffice and its antecessor for about sixteen years. I worked in different roles for the open source project during this long periode. The project consumed a lot of my spare time. But then I experienced a ’nice‘ communication experience inside the community (from some ‚core‘-members), that showed me a lack of respect for my project work, its value and also for my person. Thus I decided to completely stop my pour volunteer work within the project three month ago. The LibreOffice extensions and templates website (extensions.libreoffice.org) lost its maintainer and project reviewer since that time.
I used my free cycles to improve my fitness. And I was able to do this way something in balance to my day by day payed office work. Seemed it was a smart decision 😉
Finished My First Migration Of A Plone Addon To Python 3
I worked on my first migration oft a Plone addon to Python 3 during the last days. There were some instructions available on Github how to procide and I followed them. I was able to run the addon inside my local environment, but I got some issues with the continous integration test on Travis-CI, once I submitted a pull request. I had to fix the scripts inside the addon for building and testing on Travis-CI and was successful with the great support from a member of the Plone community. He merged my pull request and released a new version of the addon cioppino.twothumbs today: https://pypi.org/project/cioppino.twothumbs
Worked On Migration Of Plone Addons To Python 3
I created a new clean buildout from the Plone coredev Github repository using a checkout of the 5.2 branch. I added a local.cfg file to my local repo and added some packages to this file. This packages were checked out within the next run of buildout using the new local.cfg buildout file, extending buildout.cfg.
I created the local.cfg using the pointer from this webpage:
I added a further section to the local.cfg for ‚mr.bob‘. Thus my local.cfg looks like this:
[buildout] extends = buildout.cfg parts += mrbob always-checkout = true custom-eggs += collective.dexteritytextindexer bobtemplates.plone test-eggs += collective.dexteritytextindexer [test] auto-checkout += collective.dexteritytextindexer bobtemplates.plone [mrbob] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = mr.bob bobtemplates.plone [sources] collective.dexteritytextindexer = git git://github.com/andreasma/collective.dexteritytextindexer bobtemplates.plone = git git://github.com/plone/bobtemplates.plone.git
I created a new branch inside the collective.dexterity local repository with ‚git checkout -b python3‘ and did on this branch the steps that are described on this website:
I run sixer and python-modernize on the package and was able to get it running with Plone 5.2 on Python 3.6. I already created a new Plone site from scratch for this.
Then I created a new Plone add-on package using mr.bob and run sixer and python-modernize against the new package. Once this was finished I added the package to the local.cfg buildout script and run buildout again. I was able to start the Plone site with ‚./bin/instance fg‘ without issues again. I installed the new addon within the ‚Site Setup‘ page of Plone. The new addon had no real content at that time (only the necessary boilerplate / template).
This created the environment to migrate the current state of my Plone addons to the new Plone 5.2 version and Python 3. This migration is necessary because the support for Python 2, currently used by Plone, ends within a year.
Unsubscribing From Mailinglists
Started with unsubscribing from mailinglists after a long day of skil enhencement.
Myth About LibreOffice Presentation Templates On Extensions-Templates-Website
There was a post on the LibreOffice design-list this month that stated that no presentation templates were offered on the LibreOffice templates website: https://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/design/msg08869.html
I followed the provided link in that email and got a different picture:
Uups, there were 45 projects found and some of them have already a lot of votes.
Fake News About Expense?
I read in an email on the LibreOffice design list that has been resources allocated to the extensions and templates website for about 25 thousand Euro (from a long time member of the board of The Document Foundation: https://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/design/msg08869.html). This generates the impression that there has been spent this amount of money to improve the site. But if you look into the accounting legers of The Document Foundation (TDF) (https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF/Ledgers) you will get the real data. TDF spent in 2017 6399,44 Euro and in 2018 642,60 Euro; all in all 7042,04 Euro, which seemed only a bit less than 25 thousand Euro 😉
This TDF resources were used espially to migrate the content of the first LibreOffice extensions and template websites into the new one, for smaller fixes within the code, a professional buildout and maintenance environment and a training of two TDF staff member on the platform and its maintenance (myself wasn’t part of the training session).
The biggest part of the development of the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website was done during my spare time. I tried to save as much as possible expenses for TDF, because I thought it would help to lower the adminstration expenses of TDF and free more money for the promotion of education and science.
Really Shocked!
I’m doing volunteers work in different roles and areas of the project for about sixteen years yet. I spent a lot and for some longer periods nearly my whole spare time on the project. I suffered from a public accusation of a destructive communication style. This harmed me very intense. I though this could be a singular ‚event‘. But I was tought today that this seemed to be the new behavior of members of the leading body.
I created and maintained the LibreOffice extensions and template website for more than seven years yet. I read today on a public maiing list that the work I had done during my spare time for this period was not even werth to talk to me (even by email). Instead I felt my work devaluated in public. I felt like being in the pillory. I though the methods of the Middle Ages were not such popular anymore. But I had to confess that I was at fault.
This is behavior and communication style is not appropriate for a project, where I want to spent my spare time and do volunteer work. Because the behavior is not a single ‚event‘ I stop my work for and within the LibreOffice project as from now.
I’m open for intensive and also critical discussions but not for a behavior and communication style that I wouldn’t accept in the office during my paid work.
Fixed Issues With The Workflow State
I worked with the Plone instance of the LibreOffice extensions and template website the last days and fixed issues with the workflow state and the permissions. The site should work as expected again.
I worked on an improvement of the messaging system in parallel. This new notification will help to review current changes on the site. The improvements are currently living in the TDF Github repository and will go live with the next run of buildout.
Working On A New Python-Script For Extension Evaluation
I started my work on a new Python script to evalute LibreOffice extensions. It’s currently in a very early state and I’m going to use only very limited spare time to update it. I’m going to concentrate on more healthy activities than sitting in front of PC. Thus don’t be surprised if this and other task will not be finished immediately. I’ll adapt my workflow / workload to the favored range of the open source project, particularly it’s only pure volunteer work.