I installed the current alpha release of Plone 6 (a2) using buildout. I created a Python 3.9 virtual environment and used it to build a Plone 6.0a2 instance. I could start this instance in forground mode with ‚instance fg‘ and it was available at port 8080 on localhost.
This shows me a site where I could add a new Plone site to the instance. I used the advance button and could add the ‚plone.volto‘ add-on to it. This makes it more easy to use the new Volto frontend later (see screenshot below).

Once I finished the first steps with a new Plone 6.0-a2 buildout I made some further steps and added one of my Plone add-ons to the buildout script. I ran the buildout again and was able to include my add-on, named ‚collective.addons‘.
But once I started the instance in forground mode I got a traceback which points me to a line in the configure.zcml of the add-on. I had to comment out the line with ‚IncludeDependencies‘ in this file and everything went fine. I could install the add-on in the Plone site and also use its content types. It was able to view the content types within the Plone classic frontend. But there is currently no complete view of the content types within the new Volto frontend available. I’ll work on this during the next weeks.