Work On Revival Of LibreOffice Online

I worked during the last two weeks on a revival of the LibreOffice Online project. This project / branch is a version of LibreOffice which runs in a browser and supports collaborative editing.

I fetched the commits, which has been commited to a fork of the LibreOffice Online (LOOL) branch since October 2020. But there had been some renamings of file names and strings, which increases the effort. I had to adapt those commits to the original file names and strings. There were also changes in the license header of some files. I had to revert the commit, which inserted those changes.

And then I got another issue with an hardware defect and I had to migrate my environment to another hardware. And yet I got everything up and running. The first screenshot shows LibreOffice Online Writer with a text document.

LibreOffice Online Writer Document in the Browser

And the next screenshot shows the Admin console of LibreOffice Online with some statistics. It shows also that there is currently one user working with one document.

LibreOffice Online Admin Console in the Browser