Really Shocked!

I’m doing volunteers work in different roles and areas of the project for about sixteen years yet. I spent a lot and for some longer periods nearly my whole spare time on the project. I suffered from a public accusation  of a destructive communication style. This harmed me very intense. I though this could be a singular ‚event‘. But I was tought today that this seemed to be the new behavior of members of the leading body.

I created and maintained the LibreOffice extensions and template website for more than seven years yet. I read today on a public maiing list that the work I had done during my spare time for this period was not even werth to talk to me (even by email). Instead I felt my work devaluated in public. I felt like being in the pillory. I though the methods of the Middle Ages were not such popular anymore. But I had to confess that I was at fault.

This is behavior and communication style is not appropriate for a project, where I want to spent my spare time and do volunteer work. Because the behavior is not a single ‚event‘ I stop my work for and within the LibreOffice project as from now.

I’m open for intensive and also critical discussions but not for a behavior and communication style that I wouldn’t accept in the office during my paid work.

Fixed Issues With The Workflow State

I worked with the Plone instance of the LibreOffice extensions and template website the last days and fixed issues with the workflow state and the permissions. The site should work as expected again.

I worked on an improvement of the messaging system in parallel. This new notification will help to review current changes on the site. The improvements are currently living in the TDF Github repository and will go live with the next run of buildout.

Communication Is Always An Interesting Topic

You could always learn a lot about the body of an organization, if you start a communication about transparency and in this context the publishing of numbers. I asked for such numbers about the current financial situation of the organization and got the answer that they will not be published monthly but only quarterly, because the publication process is very time consuming for the staff. I had again a look onto the wiki site today, where this data were published and ‚trara‘ the latest monthly data for July 2017 were published one day after the email conversation. And if I remember correctly the third quarter of a year doesn’t end with the month July. But maybe that’s my fault 😉

A Quick Test With Plone 5.2 And Python 3.6.5

I created an buildout from the Plone corebot Github repository. I used the current development version 5.2 and run it on a Python 3.6.5 virtual environment. The buildout of the Plone instance took some time, but everything went well and I could create a new Plone site. I added the multilanguage addon to it and played a bit with the site. I added second language to the site, created a new page and tested the translation framework that came with the addon. It worked as expected and I got a page with a linked translation.

Then I tried out how the website of the Documentation would look like in a pure (not specially branded) Plone environment. I did a quick and dirty copy and paste of the homepage of TDF and the new Plone page was done in 1 minute. The page uses the default Plone layout and there were no issues with different screen size.

Document Foundation Homepage on Plone 5.2
Document Foundation Homepage On Plone 5.2 – Mobile Device Screen Size

Working On A New Python-Script For Extension Evaluation

I started my work on a new Python script to evalute LibreOffice extensions. It’s currently in a very early state and I’m going to use only very limited spare time to update it. I’m going to concentrate on more healthy activities than sitting in front of PC. Thus don’t be surprised if this and other task will not be finished immediately. I’ll adapt my workflow / workload to the favored range of the open source project, particularly it’s only pure volunteer work.

First SmartCity Duisburg Workshop eGovernment

I got an invitation to the eGovernment workshop of the SmartCity Duisburg innovation initiative some days ago and attended this workshop today. It’s an initiative from the city Duisburg.

The events purpose was the opportunity for the citizens to participate in the process and add new / further ideas to the list of proposals. There were round tables for different topics and everyone has the opportunity to work in two of this rounds (not at the same time). I joined the topic about the service for the citizens first and later the one about communication. It was a great brainstorming and we discussed some new ideas. The groups presented some of this ideas in the end.

The project team will work through this ideas and the other ones that has been written down on the brown paper on the tables.

There will be a following up of this workshop, scheduled for February 2019. I’m going to participate that second eGovernment workshop of SmartCity Duisburg too.

Some Work With The LibreOffice Extensions Website Workflow

I got some information about issues with the workflow of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. Thus I had a closer look into it and made some changes to the workflow scripts of the site, commited them to the Github repository and updated the website via the Plone buildout process.

I made some tests with the website after running buildout for several times but there were some remaining issues that need further investigation. I fixed an issue with the permissions manually in the Zope Management Interface for the moment (interim solution). I will look into this topic again, once I got a free cycle during my spare time.

Volunteer Time After Ten Office Hours

I worked further on the Plone addons for the LibreOffice extensions website after a long office day today, reviewed and published a template project on the website and examined an issue about the creation of gallery extensions that a user forwarded to me. I had to state that the way you could create a new gallery theme and include it in a LibreOffice gallery extension doesn’t exist anymore. I forwarded this issue to the qa-team.