Worked On Plone Add-on Clamav

I created a new Plone 5.2 and Python 3.6 buildout to migrate the Plone add-on collective.clamav to this Plone version and Python 3. I had to change the ‚import Globals‘ and the use of ‚Globals‘ according to the information on the upgrading Plone 5.1 to 5.2 website ( I also changed the ‚implements‘ statement to the ‚@implementer‘ decorator.

I had to remove the backward compatibility to the AT content types. It works with the new (Dexterity) Plone content types only. I tested it successful  with the Eicar virus test signatur.

Working With Plone 5.2 On Python 3

I’m currently working on a new Plone add-on to manage the upload and distribution of product add-ons / extensions. I develop this add-on from scratch with my experience from other Plone add-ons which I created within a Python 2 Plone environment.

The development of the new add-on is done inside an environment of the latest Plone version (5.2) in combination with Python 3 (3.6 in this case). I started the development using Python 3 because the support for Python 2 stopps in less than five month and I thought it is not usefull to create a new add-on within an nearly outdated Python environment.

You could get the calculation of the Python 2  version retirement at

It’s time for projects using Python 2 to think about the migration to Python 3 soon.

A New Release 0.36 For The LibreOffice Extension Center Plone Add-on

I made a bunch of changes to the Plone add-on which drives the current LibreOffice extensions website during the last weeks. I especially made it easy to enter the file extensions for extension, image and documentation files and change them if needed. This is possible without the need of any programming skills. I had to create new validators for this purpose and replace the old ones with them.

The new release of the Plone add-on ‚tdf.templateuploadcenter‘ is available via the ‚Cheeseshop‘ ( yet:

It is version 0.36 and you could download it from there or much easier include it into your buildout script.

A Further Release Of The Plone Add-On For The LibreOffice Templates Website

I made some changes and fixes on the Plone add-on that drives the current LibreOffice templates website. This changes makes it possible for a site administrator to set allowed file extensions on the site within the template center content type (without the need to touch the source code).

I created a release of this Plone add-on and published it today on the Cheeseshop ( (release 0.31):

Online-Meetings Without Energy and Participation?

It is easy to post a date for an online meeting (e.g. a public phone call). But such a meeting will most likely not take place, if the one, who invited, didn’t put himself/herself one vor more topics on the agenda. It is similar to offline meetings. You wouldn’t invite for such a meeting without an agenda. And you wouldn’t expect that the one, who invited, will not attend and lead the meeting, would you?

Thus some rules oft thumb:

  • Invite for online meetings you’ll attend yourself
  • Invite with a preliminary agenda
  • Put names (not only other people) behind the topics in the agenda
  • Prepare yourself about each topic, at least to take over the moderation
  • Get in direct contact with people you want/need to attend your meeting and convince them to come.

New Release Of tdf.templateuploadcenter

I worked on some further improvements of the Plone addon tdf.templateuploadcenter. A site administrator is able to edit the allowed image and template file extensions. Thus I wrote a new validator for this file extensions. I created a field to inform contributors about the currently allowed file extensions (with dynamic content).

The add-on provides not only projects with releases but also small projects where the template files are uploaded to the small project content type directly.

Today I made a new release of this Plone add-on, which drives the current LibreOffice templates website. The Plone add-on and its release are published as Free Software under the GPL-2 (General Public License version 2):

Published An Release Of The New Plone Add-On

I worked on a new Plone add-on during the last two month. This add-on provide an environment to upload and manage office template projects and files. I finished my work on a first alpha release of this add-on, which is named ‚collective.templates‘. It is hosted in the Github repository of the Plone community: .

The add-on is compatible with Plone 5.2 and runs on Python 2.7 as well as on Python 3.6 and newer.

I published a first alpha release of this new Plone add-on on the ‚Cheeseshop‘: .

Four Weeks Enough Time To Publish A Short Email?

The statutes of a foundation states that at a maximum one third of the members of each body are ‚employed‘ by the same firm, organization, entity or one of its affiliate organizations. The candidates for the board elections had to declare their affiliation therefore in front of the elections.

Because this statements are very important for the composition of the board it’s necessary that every member of the board inform the foundation members and the public in the same way, once this affiliation changes later. The first statement usually was made in an email to a foundation mailing list. Thus the change needs also an email to the same list (and maybe to other foundation communication channels of the fundation).

And the information had to be send out by the person concerned very timely, which means in this case immediately.  Are about four weeks for a short email notice immediately? In my opinion this is not the case.

A member of the leading body of a foundation, which has the goal of transparency and openness, should be able to write an email with such a short information latest the next day after the change in the affiliation. If she or he failed to do this should think about his workload and take responsibility for her or his behavior.