Wasting Donation Ressources Because Of Inability To Communicate Appropriate?

The LibreOffice project created a website for extensions and templates more than seven years ago. The site was created and driven by volunteers. There are currently a lot of LibreOffice extensions and templates published on this site and maybe there are some of them waiting in review pipeline for a go.

But about half a year ago the deputy chairman of The Documentation Foundation (TDF), Björn, described this volunteer work on a public mailing list of the The Document Foundation as poor work. He never got in contact with the voluteers that drove the site before. Thus the voluteers were not amused and in consequence stopped their work on the site and their contribution to TDF immediately.

The deputy chairman may not have forseen this volunteer reaction, but he was not able to real appologize for his offense. He thought that he has done everything right in the end.

The current LibreOffice extensions and templates website is unmaintained for this reason for about half a year. Because the deputy chairman (and maybe other members of the board of directors of The Document Foundation) are not able to realize the bad communication style and real appologize for it in public, TDF lost long time contributors. And to coat that, they came up with the concept to create a complete new framework for the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. The reason behind this was not that the current site could not been improved, but only the inability to communicate appropriate with volunteers.

Because of this reason TDF will spend a lot of ressources funded by donation money from people aroud the world. It seemed that not everyone involved or responsible for this task have an oversee of the complete expenses (maybe here the membership committee etc. has a duty to jump in). And there are some other issues with the designated new platform, that are beyond the technical issues especially of the migration.

And it’s nice to get messages in private that people share my view about bad communication style etc., but didn’t speak up in public. This is very disappointing. Such a behavior will not help The Document Foundation to improve the project. It needs more self-confident people in the project which have no issue to discuss issues transparent (not only in the back room). If a project is not able to develop in such direction it will lose its attractivity (or never get such attractivity) and will languish.

Published A New Addon Release For LibreOffice Extensions Site

I added some further improvements of the Plone addon which drives the current LibreOffice templates website. I improved the edit dialog of the templates release and linked release module. I added some more explanation and splitted the dialog into more register. I think the dialog is a bit more clearly arranged now. I published the new release of the addon as usual in the ‚cheesehop‚: https://pypi.org/project/tdf.templateuploadcenter/

I tagged the release with the number 0.24. The release is published under the General Public License. The users of the LibreOffice templates website will benefit from the features of the new release as soon as a member of The Document Foundation infrastructure team take the time to run buildout and update the website.

The Next Plone Addon Release For The LibreOffice Extensions Site

I finished further improvements of the Plone addon which drives the current LibreOffice extensions website. I improved the edit dialog of the extensions release and linked release module with some explanation and splitted the dialog into register, thus it is more clearly arranged yet. I published the new release in the ‚cheesehop‚: https://pypi.org/project/tdf.extensionuploadcenter/

The release has the number 0.30. Let’s see, if a member of the infrastructure team of The Document Foundation takes the opportunity to update the current LibreOffice extensions website with the new Plone addon release.

Further Improvements On The Plone Addons

I made some more improvements especially on the dialogs of the Plone addons that drives the current LibreOffice extensions and templates website. There are some steps to go to finish my work. My goal is to improve especially the edit dialogs thus it is more easy an fast for contributors to submit there projects and releases / files.

But I had to ensure too, that all necessary information / data will be submitted. It’s something of a balance act.

Further Work On Addons For The LibreOffice Extensions And Templates Website

I worked a bit further on some smaller improvements of the Plone addons that drives the current LibreOffice extensions and templates website during my spare time in the evening of the last days. Once I finished some more of this tweaks I’ll publish new releases of this Plone addons.

Let’s see, if someone would be willing to update the website with this new releases.

Worked On A New Plone Addon Release For The LibreOffice Templates Website

I worked on a new release of the Plone addon for the current LibreOffice templates website. It will contain a new module for small template projects, which make it fast and easy to create and submit a new templates project and publish a LibreOffice template. I’m going to release this release during the next days.

It will need the support of a member of the Document Foundation admin team to provide the improvements to the user of the website.

New Release Of The Plone Addon For Extensions Website

I finished my work on the implementation of a new module and new features for the Plone addon that drives the current LibreOffice extensions website. The addon contains the new module for small extension projects which makes it easy and fast to submit a new LibreOffice extension. The release is published in the ‚Cheeseshop‘ (https://pypi.org) at: https://pypi.org/project/tdf.extensionuploadcenter/. It is release 0.28 of the Plone addon.

Worked Further On Improvements Of The Plone Addon

I added further on the Plone addon for the current LibreOffice extensions website and changed the display of the categories to a specific search inside the Plone portal_catalog tool. There is the need for further such changes. Furthermore the new strings need a localization template. I’ll do this during the next days and publish a new release of the addon in the ‚Cheeseshop‘.

Created A New Plone Modul For Fast And Easy Projects

I worked a bit with one of the Plone addons for the LibreOffice extensions and templates website and added a new module to submit easy and fast a new LibreOffice Extension. The module consists of only one edit dialog. It is structured in register and got already a view. The edit dialog as well as the project view are configurable. It’s not that big deal to make any changes on the view, if you have some knowledge on web technology.

Small Extension Project Edit Form