I worked further on the Plone add-ons for the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website and made some changes to the view templates for projects and releases. It’s easier to theme them now. I’ll push a new release of the add-on for the templates part to the ‚cheeseshop‘ during the next days.
Test-Website For LibreOffice Educational Portal
During the German speaking LibreOffice community we discussed to work on an educational site. I made a first draft of a Plone site for such a LibreOffice educational portal and did some further work over the last weeks. I committed my code to the github repository of the Document Foundation.
Today I run buildout on the educational site again and it is in sync with my current development status yet. You can view the site at: http://vm141.documentfoundation.org:9090/bildungsportal/libreoffice-bildungsportal
Bildungsportal-Add-On Goes Further
I worked a bit on the way the educational add-on creates URLs for new projects. It uses the title of a project now. I added also a feature to validate the project name uniqueness. I’ll work on the view of the projects next time.
Worked Further On Indexing and Search
I worked again with the index and search feature of Plone to finish the search function in the new add-on that could be the main part of a new LibreOffice educational site. I fixed the last bits and added some more entries to the categories fields. The index is working fine now. Committed my changes under GPL to TDF’s github repository.
Work On Indexing And Search
I worked with the index and search feature of the Plone add-on for a LibreOffice educational site. I added also some more dexterity form fields and changed some field names. The search feature needs another day of love.
Work On Educational Website
I worked a bit further on a Plone add-on that could be used for a website with educational content provided under free licenses. The add-on itself will be available under GPL.
LibreOffice Extensions and Templates Site – Get All Content To Language Independent
I worked with the portal catalog of the current LibreOffice extensions and templates website to search for content that is not already set to language independent. There are some extensions and template projects and releases that has not this metadata. I changed some of them to that label today.
Investigate Content Migration
The current LibreOffice extensions and templates website runs with custom Plone ATContent-Types. The ATContent-Types were the default content types for Plone up to version 4.3.x. The new Plone 5.x versions uses the new Dexterity content types as default. The new LibreOffice extensions and template website will also use (customized) Dexterity content types. Thus the content from the current website has to be converted to the new framework. I currently investigate a simple and easy way to do this conversion.
I got already a local copy of the site content running with a newer Plone 4.x version and will investigate the further steps to map the types and fields from the current content types to the new ones.
Further Dynamic Frontpage Work
I added more dynamic content to the new front-page and worked a bit on translation of strings. I added another language to my Plone instance and played a bit with the language settings and the view. The instance shows a dynamic page with translated strings to the user now.
The localisation files are located in the locales subdirectory. First I had to create a pot-file with i18ndude and then sync this file for every language with a po-file in language specific subdirectory. The translation itself was done by poedit, which creates the mo-file too. Once the mo-file is created I had to restart the Plone instance and my translated strings are there.