New Fix For The LibreOffice Extensions Site

I worked on an issue that a contributor to the LibreOffice extensions and templates website ( forwarded to me. I had to investigate the source code for the connection to the uploaded documentation file for an extension and submitted a fix for this issue today the TDF github repository. The fix will be available within the next run of buildout for the LibreOffice extensions and templates website.

Python-Script To Find Projects In Review State Private

I worked on an improvement of my script to find LibreOffice extension and template projects that are in the review state private and never made it to the review queue. I’ll run that script soon and evalute the resulting lists. Maybe some of the authors have forgotten about their projects or have other issues with the publication process. Let’s see what happens.

LibreOffice Non-Code Extension Creation – Templates Available

I wrote a first version of a howto about the creation of LibreOffice non-code extensions. This howto is written in German language and the source code is available from my Github repository:

I added some sample templates to this repository, one for each LibreOffice non-code extension, which I described in the howto. You could view them here:

You could check out this code samples and adapt (by editing) them to your own new LibreOffice non-code extension.

I’m keen to see your LibreOffice non-code extension inside the LibreOffice extension repository:

Happy hacking!

Further Work On Plone AddOns For LibreOffice Extensions/Templates Site

I fixed some internationalization issues within the Plone addons I used to run the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. I added also a function that searches for the latest unstable release of a project. If there is such unstable release it will be shown to the user of the website. I added a new slot to project view for this. The updated code is available in the github repository of The Documenta Foundation yet. It will soon be released and incorporated in Plone instance of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website.

Finished Removing Not Used Accounts

It took some time to remove a lot of accounts from the LibreOffice extensions and templates website that are not used for contributions to the site and the LibreOffice eco-system. I finished this work during already.

It always possible and easy to create a new account on the site, if a new user / community member need one to contribute a LibreOffice extension or template project / release.

Removing Not In Use User-Accounts

I created already some scripts to work on the user database of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website.  I got some different list of the users (e.g. contributing and not contributing users). I monitored this different groups of users for a longer time now. Today I used another script that I already created and began to remove a list of users with no contribution to the site.

Update Of Software For The LibreOffice Extensions Website

I worked on a small update of the Plone add-ons that I created to run the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website. The source code of this update went to the github repository of the Document Foundation and I published a new release of the Plone add-ons on the cheeseshop.

I updated the LibreOffice extensions and templates website with the new code of the add-ons via buildout today.