Update Of Software For The LibreOffice Extensions Website

I worked on a small update of the Plone add-ons that I created to run the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website. The source code of this update went to the github repository of the Document Foundation and I published a new release of the Plone add-ons on the cheeseshop.

I updated the LibreOffice extensions and templates website with the new code of the add-ons via buildout today.

Another Python-Script For LibreOffice Extensions Site Administration

I’m working on another script for the administration of the LibreOffice extensions site. I’m looking for the value that has been set for the LibreOffice version compatibility. The values are all stored in the portal_catalog of the site (I added an index for this already). I run this script for the latest stable version of LibreOffice: 5.4. The query results in a number of only 86 extension and template releases with an explicit set compatibility for LibreOffice 5.4. We need to improve this list by running tests for all other extension and template releases against LibreOffice 5.4 and also (for all releases) against the upcomming LibreOffice 6.0. I’ll publish a list of the test candidates soon and am looking for volunteers  running the tests.

Further Python Scripts For Plone Site Administration

I worked on two new Python scripts for the administration of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. I need a list of projects that are in the review state private. The second new script lists all releases that are only in the review state pre-release. This means they have not published yet and are not visible for the user of the website. I published the scripts in my repository on Github.com.

Finished Python Script To Get Active and Notactive Users

I worked on my Python script to get a list of active and not active users out of the Plone instance that is running the LibreOffice extensions and templates website and finished this script today. I run this script and got the list of currently active versus nonactive users. I’ll use the results of today to compare them with the results which I get in about two weeks. I’ll use the findings to have a closer look onto some accounts.

Worked On User Database Of The LibreOffice Extensions Website

I had a longer list of potential user that tried to create an account on the LibreOffice extensions and templates website but submitted no valid email address. I had to delete this accounts – currently manually -, because they blow up the database of the site without any value to the project (and potential user, because there is no way to activate them).

Update Of The LibreOffice Extensions Site To Plone 5.0.8

I worked during the last days on the Plone buildout of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. I updated it – with some support of our service provider for fixing some nasty trace backs / error messages –  to version 5.0.8.  I rolled the new Plone minor version and some updates of our Plone addons out today. The site is running on Plone 5.0.8 yet. The run of the update took only a few minutes. Thus the site was only down for about five minutes or less.

Worked With The Zope Instance

I took some time to set up the environment to forward the Zope server port to my local box. Because I want to log into the Zope Management Interface with the permissions of an admin user I had add one first to the Zope instance. I run the debug instance of the Plone CMS with the command ‚adduser <adminusername> <password>‘ for this purpose.

Then I started the debug-instance with the command ‚fg‘. Once the debug-instance ran in forground (fg) mode, I started the forwarding within a terminal on my local box:
$ ssh -L 8085:localhost:8085 -N <server_name> -v

The <server-name> is the login to the server, whose port I wanted to forward.

The I could reach the forwarded server port in my browser with: http://localhost:8085/manage

This pointed me to the login of the root of the Zope instance and the ZMI. There I could login with the newly created admin user.

Notification About New Projects On The Review List

If a member of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website submitted a new project for publication it was added to the review list. But there is currently no notification of the reviewer about this new entry on the list. Thus the reviewer had to log in to the site constantly to check if there is a new project on the list.

To make the life of the reviewer a bit easier I added a notification by email in case someone submitted a new project for publication. I did this for both Plone addons which drive the LibreOffice extensions and templates site. The site itself runs on Plone 5, a powerful Content Management System.

LibreOffice Extensions and Templates Site: New Plone Add-On Releases

The LibreOffice extensions and templates site runs on the Content Management System Plone 5 with some add-ons. I added together with our service provider some fixes and improvements to this add-ons during the last weeks. I made new releases of this Plone add-ons and uploaded them to the Python Cheeseshop: