LibreOffice Extensions and Templates Site: Fix For Listing Releases

The listing of LibreOffice extension and templates releases and linked releases had an issue. The newest final release was not shown to the user. This issue was caused from the custom URL for the releases. The new releases and linked releases get an URL that placed them at the top of a list, which lead in the reverse order to getting them to the bottom of the list.

I fixed this issue with a new sorting key. The releases are listed in reverse order by the date they were created. The current final release is choosen by its release date in reverse order.

I contributed this fix to the TDF Github repository and delivered it to the LibreOffice extensions and templates website today.

New Release For The LibreOffice Templates Site AddOn

I released an update of a further Plone addon today, that I worked on  together with our service provider within some weeks. The addon drives the templates part of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. The update creates some improvements for the website and updates the the localisation template and the German localisation with the last string changes. I edited and updated the German localisation file with poedit, a great open source tool.

You could get the new releae of the Plone addon from the ‚cheeseshop‘ ( with the direct link:

New Release For The LibreOffice Extension Site Plone AddOn

I worked together with our service provider on improvements of the Plone addon for some weeks, that drives the extensions part of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. I added the last changes and an update for the localisation template and the German localisation today. I used for the latter one the open source editor poedit.

Once I finished the update of the German localisation I created a new release of the Plone addon and uploaded it to the ‚cheeseshop‘ ( The release 0.14 of the addon is publicly available now at:

Rework Of And New Python Scripts

I reworked in my Python script that give back a list of all users of a Plone website and some lists with e.g. not active contributors. I run this script on the new LibreOffice extensions and templates site today.

I created another script that creates two csv-lists, one with the name and the URL of all tempate projects and another one with the same data for extension projects.

Working On Localization Migration For ODFAuthors

I created a test environment for the migration of the ODFAuthors site to the current Plone version. I updated the test site to the latest version of Plone 4.3.x and am working on the migration of the localized folders and files inside the site now. They need a migration from the LinguaPlone settings to the new It seems there are some issues to solve and it could take me some time.

Next Step For The Upgrade Of ODFAuthors

I’m currently working on the upgrade of the ODFAuthors website to the newest version of the Content Management System (CMS) Plone. I worked on the source code for the new environment during the last days. Today I created a new test buildout for the site on a virtual server. I run it with a copy of the current ODFAuthors website and updated it to the lastest version of Plone 4.3.x. This worked out smoothly. I’ll work on the change over from LinguaPlone to the new multilingual app during the next days. This is a step that had to be done before the upgrade to Plone 5.0.x could take place.