LibreOffice Extensions Site: Why The Latest Software Isn’t In Use?

The LibreOffice extensions and templates website runs on Plone 5.0.x with some addons. I created this addons from scratch a time ago and improved them over the time. E.g. the current release number of the addon for the extension part of the site is 0.26. There is also a release 0.27 on TDF’s Github repository. The development version is currently 0.28.

The LibreOffice extensions site uses instead of the current version only the old version 0.25-dev, which is three releases behind the current development state. The reason behind this is that there is nobody in the TDF infrastructure team who takes care of the site and is able or willing to run the Plone buildout script to update the software that runs the site.

I had done this work for TDF in the past, but I felt from the way of communication from leading members of TDF that my volunteer work was no longer wanted. Thus I decided to spent my spare time for other tasks not releated to TDF, where I get much more positive feedback.

And a look at the latest published extensions confirmed that there is currently nobody taking a look into them, e.g. making a review. It seemed they  were only published.