
Finished Removing Not Used Accounts

It took some time to remove a lot of accounts from the LibreOffice extensions and templates website that are not used for contributions to the site and the LibreOffice eco-system. I finished this work during already.

It always possible and easy to create a new account on the site, if a new user / community member need one to contribute a LibreOffice extension or template project / release.

Removing Not In Use User-Accounts

I created already some scripts to work on the user database of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website.  I got some different list of the users (e.g. contributing and not contributing users). I monitored this different groups of users for a longer time now. Today I used another script that I already created and began to remove a list of users with no contribution to the site.

Update Of Software For The LibreOffice Extensions Website

I worked on a small update of the Plone add-ons that I created to run the new LibreOffice extensions and templates website. The source code of this update went to the github repository of the Document Foundation and I published a new release of the Plone add-ons on the cheeseshop.

I updated the LibreOffice extensions and templates website with the new code of the add-ons via buildout today.

Another Python-Script For LibreOffice Extensions Site Administration

I’m working on another script for the administration of the LibreOffice extensions site. I’m looking for the value that has been set for the LibreOffice version compatibility. The values are all stored in the portal_catalog of the site (I added an index for this already). I run this script for the latest stable version of LibreOffice: 5.4. The query results in a number of only 86 extension and template releases with an explicit set compatibility for LibreOffice 5.4. We need to improve this list by running tests for all other extension and template releases against LibreOffice 5.4 and also (for all releases) against the upcomming LibreOffice 6.0. I’ll publish a list of the test candidates soon and am looking for volunteers  running the tests.

LibreOffice Stammtisch in Duisburg

Anfang November haben einige Mitglieder der deutschsprachigen Community von LibreOffice auf der Open Rhein Ruhr überlegt, für LibreOffice einen Stammtisch zu veranstalten. Er sollte in Duisburg noch im Jahr 2017 stattfinden. Ich habe dafür die Initiative ergriffen und es wurde dann – nach einer kleinen Umfrage auf der Mailingliste – der 15. Dezember.

Wir haben uns am letzten Freitag im Cafe Museum in der Duisburger Innenstadt, in fußläufiger Entfernung zum Bahnhof getroffen. Neben bekannten Gesichtern fanden auch mehrere an LibreOffice Interessierte den Weg an den Stammtisch (West). Es wurde sehr lebhaft über verschiedene Themen rund um LibreOffice und die Community diskutiert. Die Zeit verging wie im Fluge und die letzten haben erst nach fünf Stunden den Heimweg angetreten mit dem Wunsch, den Stammtisch im nächsten Jahr am gleichen Ort zu wiederholen.

Further Python Scripts For Plone Site Administration

I worked on two new Python scripts for the administration of the LibreOffice extensions and templates website. I need a list of projects that are in the review state private. The second new script lists all releases that are only in the review state pre-release. This means they have not published yet and are not visible for the user of the website. I published the scripts in my repository on

Finished Python Script To Get Active and Notactive Users

I worked on my Python script to get a list of active and not active users out of the Plone instance that is running the LibreOffice extensions and templates website and finished this script today. I run this script and got the list of currently active versus nonactive users. I’ll use the results of today to compare them with the results which I get in about two weeks. I’ll use the findings to have a closer look onto some accounts.